Friday, March 13, 2009

Not as successful today as I had hoped.

I know things have to take its time and I am not in control. I hate that. Shelby has slept most of the day, but has not wanted to do a thing. She has been up now for about an hour. Her tummy must hurt because she is not wanting to do anything. I ordered her some broth, rice, and bread because that is what she thought she wanted. The food came an hour ago and she is still not interested. Not even to sip on some water. She has had a fever, but got rid of it on her own ( no meds ). I am not sure yet if I want to have the nurse give her anything for her pain. Right now they are discouraging it. Tonite, if she continues to hurt, I am going to give in. I want her to sleep. But one step at a time. I am hoping and praying tonite and tomorrow will be  better and more successful. As they say, " 1 step forward, 2 steps back". We have been dancing that dance for a few days now, and I am ready for the " get well and get home" dance. She is too. I am hoping to have better news to report tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes patience and having to wait on things you can't control is hard. I hope you find comfort in knowing that God is watching over you guys. There are alot of people praying for Shelby...many of them are people that don't even know her. Isn't that amazing?
    May you guys have a restful night,
    P.S. My mom wanted me to tell you that she is thinking about all of you.
