Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

        * The girls in their Easter dresses. Sorry for you having to tilt your head, I am still learning iPhoto :p *

We had a very quiet and peaceful Easter at home. It was the 1st Easter at home, by ourselves in several years. It was not too bad, but I do enjoy being around family more on big Holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. The reason for staying home this year was due to the weather. It was nasty for a good portion of the day. Therefore, "Easter with the family" will be celebrated next weekend. The kids seemed happy anyway. We got up very early that morning and went to Mass. We were out of the house by 6:45 am in the rain. Mass was at 7:30 and by 9 we were home. The kids played and Cory and I watched movies and washed clothes. O well, not too exciting, but we did have a great Easter dinner. Shelby did the Easter prayer. She enjoys having that role. She prayed so sweetly for her preschool teacher whom had surgery earlier that week on her leg. Then went on with her prayer blessing the food and all her family. We closed the day with Cory going to work that night and the girls in bed.

Moving on, Shelby is having her last appointment today concerning her surgery and hospital stay, a post-op appointment. She is not happy. She does not want to go, can't say that I blame her! But this will finally put a close to that chapter!!

Rhiannon is doing good! School is still going well for her. 
Last week she was complaining about her foot being in pain. We shrugged it off, b/c Rhiannon is VERY dramatic! But after a few days of this "pain" we decided to take her in and see if it was anything. Well, turned out she sprained her foot. Not that big of a deal, she is already fine. All weekend we wore an ace bandage. She wanted to wear it to school today, I think for attention of course! I said no, only b/c she has been running around and acting normal all weekend, and not complaining of pain at all! So, I was the mean one today and did not excuse her from p.e., nor allowed her to wear the ace bandage! :)

Well, coming up in a few days, Cory and I will be married for 10 years!! Wow, 10 years!!
Since we already had our 10 year anniversary vacation for 16 whole days at our presidential suite in a very well known place, where the service was great and the food was not too bad. We are going to have a quiet kid free date, a dinner and maybe a movie this Friday. 

I hope everyone had a blessed Easter weekend. We did and loved every rainy minute of it! 

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Keeping it up.....

So I think Cory and I decided that we will try to keep this blog up. It is a good way for family to get a peek into our everyday lives, well the stuff we want you to see or read about :) ! 

Well, Shelby is doing great since we have been home. The first week being home was full of constipation! Always fun! But she and I got a chance to rest and get back to normal. The following week was getting back to the swing of things. We both went back to preschool. That was very stressful and hard for me, but after a while I was good. Shelby was weary a bit. The next day she had dance. She took it easy, but I think she enjoyed it. Then preschool again, and I can safely say she was getting back to normal. Now, she is Shelby!! Goofy, silly, sassy, sweet Shelby! We are glad she's back.

Rhiannon is doing great too. She seemed to handle Shelby being in the hospital well. She never missed a beat. She is doing good in school. She is getting great help in the areas she needs and it's helping her grades!! She passed the TAKS test! We are so proud of her. That test put a lot of stress on her and her folks. She is also doing great in her power tumbling class. She has a lot of power in her, she just needs to control it better. She is learning to do a back hand spring by herself. After being in this class for only 2 months, she is doing them by herself on the floor trampoline. We were very impressed! She is learning fast! And she is listening to her coach! Go Rhiannon!

Cory and I are good. We are taking one day at a time as far as the medical bills go. We have listened to several people, and their wonderful advice regarding bills. So right now, I am not worried! Also, right now I can safely say we are all happy and healthy! I love the spring. It's the start of something fresh and new. Soon it will be the summer. It will be here before we are ready I am sure. Looking forward to it none- the- less.